The Adventures of Getting Lost in Glorietta Mall, Makati City

Ah, Glorietta Mall in Makati City—where your dreams of retail therapy come true, and your sense of direction goes to die! Walking around this iconic mall is like embarking on a quest through a labyrinth of endless escalators, identical storefronts, and the occasional (and totally confusing) hidden hallway. But don’t worry—getting lost is half the fun! Whether you’re a first-timer or a seasoned veteran of Glorietta’s maze, I guarantee you’ll come out with a good story… and maybe a few extra bags you didn’t plan on.

Step 1: The Entrance That Never Ends

So, I confidently walk into Glorietta, head held high, expecting to conquer this mall like a seasoned shopper. First challenge? Finding the actual entrance. I don’t know if it’s just me, but every time I go to Glorietta, I end up entering from a different part of the mall. Is it Glorietta 1, 2, 3, or 4? Who knows! By the time I’ve figured it out, I’m already disoriented, staring blankly at a map that may as well be written in hieroglyphics. But hey, at least I’m inside, right?

Step 2: The Escalator Odyssey

If you ever need a good leg workout, skip the gym and just spend an afternoon going up and down Glorietta’s escalators. The mall is basically an MC Escher painting brought to life. You go up one escalator, walk across the floor, go down another escalator, and somehow end up back where you started. I’m convinced that there are secret escalators that lead to alternate dimensions. At one point, I swear I saw a store I visited five minutes earlier… on a completely different floor. Spooky.

Step 3: The Food Court Expedition

Ah, the food court—a beacon of hope in the Glorietta maze. After hours of wandering through endless retail paradise, my stomach grumbles, and I follow the delicious smells to what I believe is the food court. Spoiler: it wasn’t the food court. It was yet another wing of the mall I hadn’t even discovered yet. I must’ve walked past five shoe stores, two gadget shops, and a place selling unicorn plushies before I finally found a glorious sign that said “Food Choices.” Victory at last! Until I realized I now had to decide what to eat… in a food court with enough options to make your head spin. Should I go for sushi? Burgers? Milk tea? At this point, the options were endless, just like the hallways.

Step 4: The Sales Trap

Glorietta is a place where sales seem to spring up out of nowhere, like mushrooms after a rainstorm. You think you’re just passing through when suddenly you hear those magic words: “50% off!” And before you know it, you’re inside a store, trying on clothes you never planned to buy. I went in for a quick walk and came out with two pairs of jeans, a new backpack, and a jacket I’ll probably never wear in the tropical heat of the Philippines. But hey, it was on sale! You’d do the same, right?

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Step 5: The Glorietta Maze Exit… or Not

By the time I decide it’s time to leave, I’m carrying way too many bags and wondering how I lost three hours of my life in a mall. I try to find the exit, but somehow, the mall has morphed into a maze of never-ending corridors again. After what feels like an eternity (but was probably only 15 minutes), I spot daylight. Freedom! Except… it’s not the same entrance I came in from. Classic Glorietta move.

Bonus Round: The Return Trip

After surviving my first trip, you’d think I’d have Glorietta figured out. But no, the next time I come back, the mall has somehow rearranged itself again. It’s like Hogwarts’ moving staircases, but with more sales. Still, that’s part of the charm, right? The thrill of the unexpected, the joy of finding a new store you didn’t know existed, and of course, the glorious food court waiting to reward you at the end of your journey.

So, if you’re up for an adventure that includes shopping, walking, and possibly a little bit of mild confusion, Glorietta Mall is calling your name. Trust me, it’s all part of the experience. And if you want to see the madness in action, check out my YouTube Short video of my epic day getting lost—uh, I mean, exploring Glorietta. And don’t forget to subscribe to my channel, because you never know when I’ll get lost in another mall and need your moral support!


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